Friday, September 23, 2016

Semper Fi

I heard this story from an older gentleman who had become a close friend over time. We had met at Toit's in Indiranagar, where I was waiting for my cousin. He is an American and had fought in Vietnam. I don't know the military very well, but I know he was infantry and I know he fought during the Tet offensive.

His platoon had a joke they would play whenever somebody new showed up. They would be sitting around drinking beer and somebody would toss a dud grenade at their feet and yell "grenade!" Everybody who was seasoned would hit the ground and watch the new guy shit his pants frozen in place and they would laugh and laugh and laugh. 

Except one time. There was the new kid there. Never been to Vietnam. Probably never left his town. He was as fresh as they came. It was his first night there and they were standing around and they pulled the prank. Except this time when somebody yelled "grenade!" he jumped straight on the grenade. He didn't hesitate a second. He didn't even know any of them. He hadn't fought with them yet. They weren't his brothers. Not even his friends.

Nobody laughed that time. Nobody thought it was funny that he was so ready to die for a bunch of assholes. It was the last time they pulled that prank. He said it was the most ashamed he has ever felt in his life.

That man who jumped on the dummy grenade would later die in Vietnam. My friend never mentioned his name, but I could see it in his eyes that he has never forgotten his name, either.